
And welcome! I am so glad you are here!

I am Carlee – wife to Sean, Mom to Ellen, writer, and all-around creative, who is learning to embrace the middle season of life. I love to help others experience our Creator God in fresh ways, through words, music and art. I relish a rich cup of coffee over conversation with my husband, and treasure celebrating the victories our daughter experiences as she learns to navigate life with special needs.

I recently launched my first children’s picture book into the world. It is a story about Down syndrome, self-advocacy, and how courage creates connection. My daughter was the inspiration for the book. You can found out more here: ELEANOR’S EXTRAORDINARY DREAMS!

I write to bring understanding about the inherent value of people of all abilities, and to encourage conversations that make a difference.

I find soul restoration in silence, painting, reading, playing the piano and writing. Oh, and I love a good nap, too!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’ll stick around for a bit. I’d love to have the company!