Learning to Embrace the Middle Season

Photo by Steve Richey on Unsplash

The leaves have turned all the brilliant colors of autumn, beginning their flight from bough to earth, riding the wind, which at first blows warm, then suddenly cold. The neighbors swap geraniums and ferns for pumpkins and mums, signaling the changing of seasons. Closets are transitioned as well. Scarves and boots are donned, while shorts and flip-flips are set aside.

I truly love fall! And after two years of living on the Gulf Coast, I am deeply craving the images and feelings I described above. I long for the familiar comforts of “home” – to return to the sights, sounds, and smells of November in the Midwest. These are sweet memories I cherish, and in this reality I am reminded:

Seasons are what make our lives move along. They provide rhythms and routines, an array of landscapes, and various temperatures. These junctures bestow on us opportunities to stop, to evaluate, to savor.

Yes. Savor.

This is the place to which I have been slowly, but surely, coming. As I contemplate this seasonal changing of the guard, I am aware that in the scope of a lifetime, I, too, feel a transition happening within myself. No longer in the summer of life, I am learning to be content as fall approaches, evidenced by strands turned silver, energy lessened, and thoughts more reflective.

This season finds me homeschooling our 13-year-old daughter who has Down syndrome, constantly adjusting to navigate the unpredictable days and effectively facilitate learning. Instead of working in the career I pursued for nearly twenty years, my heavenly Father has ushered me into a space of learning to rest – both mentally and physically. My husband has graciously invited me to listen, to hear what God’s gentle whispers might be saying. Such a gift! And such a challenge! But I think I’m finally settling in.

Through the years, I have seen God reveal Himself in so many ways. He has shown Himself to be my Father, Savior, Friend, Brother, Champion, and Shepherd, just to name a few. And I know He has created each one of us uniquely with purpose. In this slower, more introspective season of my life, I am realizing the following:

I don’t want to spend any more time perseverating over the past, or worrying about today, or wishing that tomorrow wasn’t so quickly approaching. Winter will come, yes. And I would like to savor this season of Fall in the meantime, celebrating what God has done, paying attention to what He is doing now, and looking forward with hope to what may lay ahead.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV)

So rather than bracing for the cold of life’s winter winds, I will embrace this season. I think I’ll sip on a latte and drink in my surroundings, slowing down to enjoy these years of fall.

While golden and rust-colored leaves fall around me and the winds shift from balmy to brisk, I am going to take note. I don’t want to miss the joys and lessons of this time, waiting for the future to roll around. Reflection takes time, so I am also choosing to slow my pace, quiet my mind, and let my heart take a deep breath. As words are exhaled and find their way here, I hope they will also bring some encouragement to those who happen to read them.

And no matter what season you might find yourself in, know that you are welcome here! We need each other – we need the experiences of each season in order to live rich, meaningful lives.

I am setting my heart to truly embrace this middle season of life. Wherever you are today, I am inviting you to take note: What season are you in? And how will you embrace it right now?

Embracing this Season,


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